Friday, January 15, 2010


It's taken me a while to post about Haiti and I want to get the word out on all of my blogs (this was the first one I thought about posting to. I will be doing a more in depth post about Haiti's earthquake on my other blog VerbalDiaspora).

We should all donate to Haiti during their extreme time of need. Right now, people are still being found in Haitian buildings, under cars, and other places I would have never thought of finding someone buried alive (or just buried). There are also many in Haiti that are in desperate need of clothes, food, water, diapers, baby food, and other necessities to survive. Please visit one of the following sites to donate any amount to help the cause to find more survivors and to keep more survivors alive:
Red Cross

Or you can text in your donations. The amount of your donation will be charged to your cell phone bill.

Yele: Text "Yele" to 501501 to donate $5 dollars
American Red Cross: Text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 dollars

Don't forget that you can always gather clothes, non-perishable food items/water, and monetary donations locally to drop off to your local Red Cross and other businesses and organizations that are sending aid to the people of Haiti.

1 comment:

  1. I sent a little of my hard earned scratch; and I would hope that everyone capable of donating, would do so.

    They seem to need so much and this is a good cause to give to.



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