Sunday, September 12, 2010

Well...that time sure did fly...

Hey all...

It's been another extended break between blogs but I have been busy beyond belief in the last month and a half or so.

I've been preparing myself for things that were to occur this month and today is the first day of really getting those things rolling. 

One includes my daughter's surgery that's going to happen tomorrow (insert super sad smiley here).  My daughter has hip dysplasia and needs to have two surgeries to correct both hips.  I took her to the doctor for the first time earlier this year and right before her birthday I took her to the actual specialist and he told me that she needed to have this surgery within six months or she could be permanently crippled.  So for the last several weeks I have been getting myself prepared for her surgery: getting my hours reduced and approval for telecommuting (I've been cut to less than 20 hours per week) so I can stay home to take care of her, getting my monetary affairs in order, cleaning, unpacking (damn near a year later) and so on. 

I finally have everything done.  Our clothes are out for her stay, I have her Shreky, PoohBear, and Princess Frog blanket packed up, I have her favorite bedtime story (Please Baby Please), and my clothes for the overnight stay (and possible second night if applicable).  Now I need to get my nerves and emotions together and I might be good as gold. 

I also have everything in the works for two HUGE projects I have going on in my life.  Since I'll be working from home until the end of the year, I am able to focus twice as many hours as I was towards those projects.  I think I'll even have time to throw another project in there.  But as much as I hate her having to have the surgery, it is a blessing in disguise because I'll be able to do complete my (now) three projects to give her more of what I want to give her (needs and wants).  So stay tuned, I am not shy about self promotion.

Lastly, her father (note: it was sperm donor a few weeks ago) has been coming around.  He claims that he'll be at the hospital with me to check on her and tend to her.  He even visited her last week.  But I'm going to keep my head and make sure that he doesn't screw up.  I'm happy about the small things right now but I'm not going to become a fool either.  

So really that's about it.  I do plan on writing something about her surgery and have a better explanation of her surgery maybe tomorrow (I might write something while I'm waiting for her to be finished after her surgery; it'll keep me sane for a while).  It will either be here or Associated Content or maybe even both.  We'll see...

Anyway I'm off to clean and cook...tonight is a dressing and baked macaroni and cheese night...

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