Friday, December 14, 2012

How do we protect our kids with words from home?

It's top news this morning, the Connecticut elementary school massacre that claimed the lives of 27 people, 18 (eighteen!) of them young children.

When I heard about this I immediately called home to talk to MIB.  Just hearing about this broke my heart and made me ache for the parents who have to face the rest of their lives without their child anymore.

I don't want to go too deep into the converstation about this actual tragedy, but I do have questions...maybe some answers too. 

My biggest question: what do I do to prevent my child from being a victim in a situation like this?  Because let's face it...episodes like these aren't going away anytime soon (I hope I'm wrong but...) and outside of homeschooling my child, what else can I do to keep MIB from getting shot and/or killed while at school?
I was able to think of a few answers, pulling from my experiences as a teacher and now as a mother...and hopefully they will help her stay safe:
  • teach her how to be aware of her surroundings: she needs to know what a gun sounds like and she needs to know where the nearest exit is
  • she needs to pay attention to the teacher/administrators when they discuss these exits so that she can get away to safety
  • if she hears about someone bringing a gun, I hope that she does not hesitate to go to her teacher, administrator or me about what she's heard
  • and to keep her from worrying...remind her that this isn't something that happens everyday, that her school is safe, and that I will protect her as much as I can...and to let me do the worrying.
These are basic tips but for some it can save a life...

YCM/YCFs what are you going to tell your MIBs about keeping safe in a situation like this...and how do you ease their fears that something might happen like this at their school?

Pray for the families of the children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School as well as the families of the children in China that were injured yesterday as well.


  1. I think you're absolutely right and this is the first time I've ever read of any parent suggesting a conversation with their child regarding preparedness for themselves in the event - God forbid - of another tragedy like the one at Sandy Hook. Sounds like you've got it together and MIB is only lucky girl. :)

    1. Mimi! :o)

      Being a teacher moons ago prepared me for moments like this. The woman who put her life in harms way for her students is what teachers (used to) do. We have to know about all exits, escape routs, emergency situations...all of that. Teachers are responsible for their kids (not students...because our kids spend at least 8 hours a day with them...they are their kids as well)...and we are their first teachers and we should teach them how to be prepared not only for tests, first loves, bodily changes, but for situations like that (damn the world we live in now)




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