Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Something I've been lacking on a daily basis is...

Energy at work.  I am always tired, sluggish, and just not wanting to be there lol.  But I've been doing some things lately that have been helping me out.

I work in an office in a corner that makes it easy for me to go straight to sleep in my desk if I'm not careful.  I usually do a 8-9 hour day with some extra work at home, plus me about 4-5 hours of sleep a night.

Since I've been on my sexy for summer game (LOL) I've been trying to get my weight down by eating better and increase my energy by taking vitamins everyday.  But there are some combos that I've been taking that have been helping me and maybe they can help you.

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a doctor, nurse, CNA, any of that.  This is what I'VE been taking to help me out with my exhaustion and weight loss.  Before you try anything that I've mentioned, PLEASE talk to a medical professional.

My new routines for energy:

  • More fruits and veggies at work: A Twix is usually my snack of choice:I eat the caramel off first then nibble on the cookie.  But that has done nothing for my energy.  So before I go to work while MIB is eating breakfast, I fix my lunch and snacks and I always include fruit: apples, bananas, Cuties...or I'll run to the store and get some pre-cut melons.  My new snack: carrots and hummus.  I hate carrots but LOVE hummus.  I think I can work it out
  • Make my own lunch and breakfast: I am the NOTORIOUS Y.C.M. when it comes to eating out. I will get a crispy chicken club sandwich with bacon, a strawberry lemonade and medium fry instantly.  I've been making lunches (usually the healthy dinner I've had the night before) or I will by some Lean Cuisine; which hasn't happened this week (Stouffer's in my freezer) but this is what I will do tomorrow:
  • Buy a salad: I always get a McDonald's coffee in the morning.  I love it.  I fix my breakfast at home and drink their coffee on the way to work.  But when I get it in the morning, I will also grab a side salad to go with my Stouffer's.  It's my way of getting more veggies in and balancing out my lunch. 
  • B12 - I took one of those today and my energy is already increasing.  I've committed myself to a multivitamin everyday and my mom (who is a nurse...but still talk to your doctor before trying something new) said I should take a B12.  I'll be damned if I don't feel less tired after one.  I'm going to keep this up and see if it keeps my energy up so I can spend it out working lol. 
Now I if can get my ass up and get some exercise in I'll really be into something lol...

YCM/YCFs: what do you do to keep energy up at work or in life?  Eating habits?  Vitamin habits? 


  1. good for you! I was getting B12 shots for awhile because my energy was at an all time low. It really helped jumpstart my energy and then I took to improving my diet and exercising. It does work!

    1. Thanks! I was really surprised at how quickly they get into your system...especially in pill form. And Lord did I need it lol...

      What kind of exercise do you do? I need a routine but it has to be something fun...


  2. B12 is the best. It always gives me the energy boost and yay for you for getting healthy. It's one of my goals as well but I totally resign due to the holidays. I'm Italian, I love to cook, I love to bake and I love to feed people!! The holidays are a total wash for me, altho I'm coming to the sad realization that if I want to get this weight off I'm going to have to give up at least one year of holiday foods - at least.. It's so hard but you my dear are an inspiration. This post is great and thank you for all of the helpful tips! :)

    1. I'm glad you found them helpful! I've been trying to knock this weight down for the LONGEST and I'm finally serious about it (I just lost 1.5 lbs in the last week!)

      One thing I did for Thanksgiving and will be doing for Christmas (especially since we're not having folks over) is cutting down how much I cook...because if it's here I will eat it lol. I bought small aluminum pans at the Dollar Tree and used them for whatever I was cooking: mac and cheese, dressing, whatever. Instead of a whole turkey, I just bought a breast...enough for the three of us and a few days of leftovers. And it was easy to clean lol.

      Also, use your muffin tin! Easy servings of whatever you can bake: dressing, mac n cheese, whatever...




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